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Let us Pray to the future that never came. The dreams that were actually nightmares in disguise. The things we didn’t know we wanted. The things we thought we would love, but hate instead. Here’s what you should do:

Destroy the old self.
And become nostalgic for who you were.

Pretend you changed.
And realize it was actually everyone else.

The world is broken.
But delusion can fix it.

Presenting the new site

devin dot church firefly generated by adobe Firefly using the prompt: tape measure

It’s a religion, but only if you insist.

Bloggy things below

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Stupid Trends: Internet Challenges

Is the Internet making us stupid? It's tough to say, but if you saw the Tide pod challenge, the NyQuil Chicken Challenge, the Bird Box Challenge, the Cinnamon Challenge, the Kia Boyz Challenge, and the Benadryl Challenge, you might start to wonder. Are humans really...

Stupid Trend: Dangerous Animals as Pets

If you've scrolled through social media feed before, you've probably seen videos of people who have wild pets. I've seen videos of people who have tried to make pets of skunks, ducks, foxes, racoons, lions, leopards, hyenas, bears, iguanas, pigs, and more. We also...

Authenticity is Fake

There's a massive push for authenticity in the modern world. Just be yourself, we're told. But this phrase is not helpful to people who have a weak sense of identify or believe unpleasant things. It's not for everyone. The fact is that what people actually think and...

Nasty Trend: Ghosting

When people ghost, they disappear. In the age of online connections, especially in a larger city, people can block each other and disappear entirely from one another, in a digital sense. But exactly why? Who knows. Most seem to agree that ghosting is lousy, but many...

Recommended Saying: Love That For You!

Are you happy for your friend or acquaintance in a metric that doesn't meet your personal standards? We've all been there. That's why you should embrace the phrase Love that for you! to express satisfaction and discontentment simultaneously. You can both supportive...

Rant: Less or Fewer

When it's a number of things that are counted, use greater or fewer. When it's an amount or quantity of things measured, it's more or less. This should be pretty simple and I believe all English speakers know it somewhere deep down, but most use more or less.Know...

Silly Phrases: By All Means

By all means. By any means. By no means. It seems that millennials are particularly attracted to verbal use of these phrases. They are spoken often, but rarely written. There's an air of pretense + pseudo-formality + fake politeness in there. People should stop...

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